Introduction to Web Development:
In this blog, you’ll learn all about becoming a web developer, from the responsibilities that a web developer performs on a day-to-day basis to the set of skills that you’d need to succeed in such a role. And, of course, you’ll also get your hands dirty with code: We’ll introduce you to the fundamental building blocks of the web and make sure you leave this course having developed your very first website😊!
If you are a complete beginner, web development can be challenging we will hold your hand and provide enough detail for you to feel comfortable and learn the topics properly. You should feel at home whether you are a student learning web development or someone who just wants to understand more about how web development work. Without wasting any time let us just get into web development.
What is Web Development ?
Web development is everything involved in the creation of a website. Typically, it refers to the coding and programming side of web site production as opposed to the web design side. It includes everything from a simple page of HTML text to complex, Responsive websites designed to be accessed from various Internet-connected devices.
Types of Web Developers:
There are different types of web developers who focus on different areas. These include:
- Frontend developers: Frontend developers implement web page designs using HTML and CSS. They make sure the website looks pretty on different devices, and that the forms and buttons work.
- Backend developers: Backend developers create the backbone of the web application. They write code logic that handles a user’s input (for example, what should happen when you click the signup button after filling in a form).
- Full stack developers: Full stack developers do bits of both backend and frontend. Depending on the problem at hand, they can switch cape️ and move stacks.
What are the skills you need to learn to become a Web Developer ?
Basic languages you need to know:
It’s impossible to go into a career in web development if you’re not fluent in these three core languages HTML 5 is the language used to create website and apps, you’ll use it to describe the structure of web page. CSS 3 which is latest version of CSS used to describe the visual presentation of the website, determining things like layout, colors and fonts. JavaScript is used to make the website interactive.
Once you’ve mastered the basic languages, you can start exploring libraries and frameworks which have essentially been created to simplify and speed-up the way you work with HTML 5, CSS 3 and JavaScript There are tons of libraries and frameworks out there, but Bootstrap 4 and jQuery are the most popular, so knowing these two will give you a huge advantage.
A free, open-source front-end library containing HTML 5 and CSS 3 based design templates, Bootstrap will enable you to create responsive, mobile-friendly websites that display flawlessly on any device. Now remember the programming language JavaScript? Well, jQuery is simply a JavaScript library. In very basic terms, jQuery condenses common JavaScript tasks into fewer lines of code.